Sweep the house while the kids are eating. This might not work if you have to feed your little one, but once they are at the self feeding stage, and strapped into their highchairs, it the best time to tidy up the floor. You don't have to worry about little feet running into your dust pile before you get a chance to vacuum or sweep it up. Then, when they are finished, you tidy up around their chairs.
Do squats as you take out the laundry from the washer and transfer it to the dryer, or remove it from the dryer. Okay, I stole this from Dr. Oz, but the first time I decided to fold my clothes at the dryer, and did squats for each article of clothing, I really felt it in my legs. I was sore for days. Granted, I hadn't really done much exercise since my son had been born. After doing this a few more times, it got much easier. You might want to save this for the evening when the kids are sleeping.
The reverse of this (anti-exercise, but a time saver) is to fold the laundry while you are watching your favourite TV shows. I am sure we all have a time during the day when we unwind and watch TV, so use this time to fold the laundry. It is a fairly mindless task, and you usually won't miss the important parts of your show.
Take a bath or shower with your kids. If your children are younger you might want to take a bath with them. I have often had all three of us in the tub at the same time. Remember, don't leave your little ones alone in the bathtub. My daughter has decided (at 2 and a half) that she likes to have showers now, so often we will have a shower together.
Get a jogging stroller or Chariot or bike trailer and take your kids for a bike ride or a run. You can also bike to the grocery store with them, or walk with them in the stroller, or use a sled in the winter. You get some exercise, you might get some errands done, the kids get out of the house, and if they are like my kids, they probably won't want to get out of the carrier.
Clean the bathroom while your kids are taking their bath. Other than the bathtub, everything else is fair game to be cleaned. You are close to your kids, but you don't have to sit and watch them play with their rubber duckies for the whole time they are playing in the tub.

If you have any time saving ideas of your own, please send a comment.