For the past month or so I have been reading a lot. Not quality literature, but certainly entertaining page turners. It started with taking the Hunger Games trilogy out of the library. They were quite easy to read, and kept my interest, for the most part. I tired of the story by the third book, but I needed to finish the series, so I persevered.
Next, I started reading the Sookie Stackhouse series. I had thought of seeking them out a few years ago, when True Blood started airing on TV. I'd never watched the HBO series, but there was enough of a buzz around the books, and show, I decided to start reading the books. These books are super easy to read as well. My husband would argue I spent 14 hours a day reading them which was why I was able to finish a book in about a day or two. I was spending a lot of my time reading, but not 14 hours.
I used to read a lot in high school. My goto author back then was Piers Anthony, but I read other fantasy novelists. I would stay up until the wee hours of the morning, reading in my bed. Sometimes, I would be reading instead of studying for my tests or exams. My current marathon reading spell bring back memories of this time past. I keep thinking, is this a bad thing? Is reading better for my brain than spending all this time watching TV or movies? These books are not literary masterpieces. They are pulp, airport reading, fluff. But, entertaining, page turning fluff.
I finished the Sookie Stackhouse series in a couple of weeks. In search of something else, I found the series that inspired Charlaine Harris to write her vampire books. The Anita Baker series by Laurell K. Hamilton. I am currently in the midst of reading this series. They have also been made into comics.
Of course, as is standard fair for Vampire Literature, there is a woman torn between her love for a vampire and her love for a werewolf or shapeshifter. I find this a more recent phenomenon in the genre. Anne Rice was able to write entertaining vampire books, not involving this triad. Buffy the Vampire Slayer managed to avoid it as well, although there is a werewolf love interest, just not in competition with the vampire nor with the main character.
I really did not like the Twilight series at all. Maybe it was too tame. Maybe it was too lame. I have no idea what made it not my cup of tea, but give me Buffy, Lestat, Sookie, anytime over Ella, Edward, and Jacob. It was probably the fact that the vampires sparkled in the sun. Or, the ridiculous pregnancy and birth. I even prefer The Vampire Diaries mythology, although they use magic to daywalk, and basically make the vampires humans, with teeth.
The next big vampire hit should have a love triangle between a vampire, human, and something not a werewolf. Zombie? Elf? Or, better yet, no triangle. Of course, there always has to be unrequited love in stories, or people would not keep reading (watching). No one wants to see happily ever ever. There always has to be ongoing conflict in the relationship to keep things interesting. Remember Moonlighting? The show was not as good when the two main characters hooked up. Writers are always trying to avoid that pitfall.
So, here I am spending hours, to my husband's chagrin, reading fluffy, vampire lit. But, it's fun. Like having a movie in my head. It has quite engrossed me over the holidays. I have been neglecting my blog. I took a little vacation from writing while visiting my parents. Since I had not written in a week or so, and this is the last day of the year, I decided to jump back on the wagon.
Here's to a brand new shiny year, full of potential. Let us see what I can come up with to write about, and whether or not I have the stamina to maintain it. And, please, do not judge me because I like vampire stories. At least I am discerning in which vampires I like. Or snobby. Take your pick.
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