My son wakes himself up when he needs to pee in the middle of the night. Sometimes, it is quite seemless. If the pot is in his room, he will find it, pee in it, and call for us to empty it. If there is no pot, he might call for us to open the door. I still cannot believe he has not figured out the door knob guard, but he is essentially locked in his room when the door is shut. It is nice to not have to worry about bed wetting. However, other times are not as pleasant.
Occasionally my son will wake himself up crying. Then, he will get into such a state, we are unable to calm him down. If the wrong parent tries to intervene, the screaming escalates. He will often hit the door, furniture and people. He will scream unintelligible things. He will also need to pee, but will not be able to vocalize his need.
When he reaches this hysterical state, he will yell out contradictory things. He will want one parent, not the other. When the parent he wants arrives, he will shut the door in their face. He will want to pee in the pot, but it has to be in the bathroom. No one can be in the bathroom with him, but if you walk away from him, he will get more upset and start screaming again. If you ask what he wants, he will scream, "Rien!", but he obviously wants something or he would not be this upset.
I am amazed my daughter does not wake up during these tirades. I cannot sleep through them. Granted, a lot of the anger is directed at my husband and me. It is hard to sleep when a three year old is screaming in your ear, and hitting you. It took 15 minutes to calm him down last night. 15 minutes in the middle of the night, interrupting my sleep, and disrupting my rest.
I was hoping sleep would return once my children were older. My daughter is generally a good sleeper. She might come into our room on weekend mornings, but she usually stays in her bed all night. My son routinely climbs into bed with us in the middle of the night. I am trying to encourage him to at least stay in his room. He is sleeping on his crib mattress on the floor. He does not like his bunk bed, yet. I will work on that once we get him to stay in his room.
Even before we changed his bed, he would come to our room in the middle of the night. Sometimes, he would not even start the night in his room. I tried to get to the bottom of his issues. When I asked why he did not like his room, the first answer was, "Parce que." Then, he started saying he was scared. He said he was scared of ghosts, skeletons, and T-Rex. I tried to out logic him, and explain these things do not exist. Even if they did, our room would be no safer.
In the end, I used bribery. We are trying to get enough stars to receive a Pokémon figurine. Last night, he ended up in our bed, and did not seem to care he lost a chance at a star. He is in his bed tonight. I have left his door open, as yesterday, closing it seemed to be part of the reason he was so furious with us. Hopefully he will stay in his room all night.
I do love the cuddle, but I never have a restful night with him in bed with us. I know eventually he will out grow this stage, and I will look back on this time with nostalgia. But, we move on, and my kids need to sleep in their own beds. When Dad is away, then they can cuddle in bed with me.
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