I caught something this week. Around Wednesday afternoon, I started to feel achey and cold. There has been something going around our family since Easter. Well, at least the kids and I have been dealing with something. I had a chest cough with nasty junk coming up. My daughter seemed to have the same cough. My son woke up Tuesday morning with a snotty nose. Something is making us sick.
No, I did not get the flu shot this year. I thought we were in the clear. We had managed to survive the winter with only my son having a fever inducing virus. He was sick for a couple of days, and recovered quickly. My daughter was also sick around the same time, but never had a fever. She did not miss any school, much to her displeasure. I was expecting to keep her home at least one day, but it was not necessary.
I know there is a stomach virus going around right now. Neither of my children have been overtly exhibiting stomach flu symptoms. However, part of my not feeling well has been an upset stomach. I am feeling nauseous, and have lost my appetite. In the mornings I feel better, but by the afternoon I am hit by a wave of exhaustion, and the aches come back. I missed my dance class this week because I felt so unwell.
Being an engaging and active parent is difficult at the best of times. I am feeling like the worst parent in the world right now. My patience is at its end. I am trying not to get frustrated with my children, but it is much more difficult with a headache and an upset stomach. My children are probably not feeling well during those times when they get upset easily or do not listen well. I need to remember how I am feeling right now, and use that to temper my reactions to them when they act out of turn.
This week, there has been a lot of TV parenting, or letting the kids fend for themselves. When the kids are alone, they usually do not get into much trouble, but when they are both in the house it is a matter of minutes before one has made the other cry. The TV usually works to keep them quiet, but eventually they start bugging each other on the couch. Despite wanting to watch TV often, I think they get bored of it quickly. They might not even realized they are bored.
I played with my son yesterday. We missed going to either of the playgroups available. He was in a rotten mood yesterday morning. It was the kind of mood where he refused to choose his clothes, wanted me to choose, but rejected my choices. Then, he wanted me to dress him, but would not let me dress him. When I asked him what he wanted, he would yell, "Rien!", but when I decided to do nothing he got angry and said he wanted to go to playgroup.
In the end, we were too late to go, so I left him in his room. He was upset because he missed out on playgroup, but after he calmed down, we played with his trains. We also made a superhero from a wooden clothespin, and a "super" rabbit from pipe cleaners and a styrofoam ball. I decided to buy craft supplies this week, to have them readily available for times when I needed to occupy my children. Unfortunately, my son wants to open up all the stuff right now, but at least he is showing an interest.
I feel guilty when I let the kids watch TV for too long, but when I am feeling physically and emotionally drained I often do not have much of a choice. I do not want to feel this frustration I feel with them. When I am unwell, many things irritate me very quickly. I am often a slave to my hormones as well. If I am PMSing, watch out. I know it should not be an excuse, but hunger, fatigue, emotions, and hormones all play a role in how we interact with each other. We usually catch ourselves before we do or say something drastic, but sometimes we don't. I spend a lot of time apologizing for snapping at my children and husband.
Right now, I am trying to get my son to take his nap beside me while I type. Yesterday, he fell asleep at 4:45pm, watching me play Angry Birds on my iPad. I am trying to avoid him falling asleep around 4:30 or 5pm because then he either wakes an hour later, frustrated, hungry and unwilling to go to sleep at his normal time or he stays asleep, and wakes at 3am, having slept long enough. At least, I am getting a bit of a rest. I plan on a nap after, to heal up. I know my son had some down time this afternoon, in bed with me. I need a little time to myself too.
I found this website for a product called Kiwi Crate. I think the premise is silly since most of the materials you get in the crate you could buy at the dollar store for much less. But, they do have some great crafting ideas. I am sure Pinterest also has many of these ideas. The superhero doll came from here. I might try the wooden button animals too.
Sometimes, I am a really great parent :).
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